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  • Writer's pictureCambridge Society For Economic Pluralism

Has British Politics Been Replaced by Economics? Lord Eatwell and Lord Wilson of Dinton

Recent clashes around the UK’s place in the EU are just the latest symptom of a country at the cross – roads, with a future that remains uncertain. TWS and CSEP are thus excited to explore the big questions ahead further and to welcome Lord Eatwell and Lord Wilson of Dinton, who will speak on the state of current British politics and economics.

Lord Eatwell is not only an esteemed member of the University, as President of Queens College, but also a member of various important national bodies. He was chief economic adviser to Neil Kinnock, Leader of the Labour Party, from 1985 to 1992 and was created a Labour member of the House of Lords on 14 July 1992. In 2010, he was appointed a Labour Opposition Spokesman for the Treasury in the House of Lords by former leader Ed Miliband. Eatwell is also the former chair of the British Library, a director of the Royal Opera House and the economic advisor to the Chartered Management Institute.

Lord Wilson of Dinton has served widely across government departments. He was at the head of the Economic Secretariat in the Cabinet Office under Mrs Thatcher from 1987-1990, later appointed Secretary of the Department of the Environment in 1992. He became Permanent Under Secretary of the Home Office in 1994 and Secretary of the Cabinet and Head of the Home Civil Service in January 1998, retiring in 2002. He remains a life peer and was previously master of Emmanuel College.

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