Date and time
Friday 11th October at 6:45-8:30
Selwyn College’s Chadwick Room (number 11 on the map below)
Sign up (click link)
We are hosting our annual start-of-term debate. It will be relaxed and a relatively open and non-structured event. Our event organiser, Jordan, writes below…
“Mercantilism is a type of economic policy that emphasizes maximizing the balance of trade through protectionist policy such as tariffs, capital controls, and support for exports. Is this what the world economy is becoming? More importantly, considering the successes and failures of globalism in the past decades and the state of global politics, is mercantilism a sound economic response, and can its goals be reconciled with conventional economic thought?”
We’d appreciate it if you signed up at bit.ly/csepfreshersdebate so we can gather numbers but you are welcome just to show up on the night as you wish.